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This is your chance to show the world just how creative you are! We are looking for a unique and awe-inspiring design that appears to defy gravity - a chance for some innovative thinking and impressive visuals.

How can humans occupy spaces that inspire harmony with the natural environment? What can we, as designers, do to accomplish this and create architecture that avoids destruction of the natural world while also benefiting our environmental impact?

We now live in a world where architecture takes valuable resources and causes destruction of the natural environment. We are looking for a design scheme that builds a connection between humans and nature and gives back to our natural surroundings, rather than only taking from them.

Our brief asks for an innovative and creative design focusing on the user experience and connection to the surrounding nature, wildlife and existing village with a minimal environmental impact. We are looking for a special and unique piece of architecture that will inspire future designs.

Start defying gravity now.



All projects and resources are included within a single payment.

You can choose to take part in any or all of these projects.

Tavertet Cliff-Edge Hotel

Challenge: design a vernacular and fully sustainable eco-hotel balancing on the edge of the dramatic cliffs of the Pre-Pyrenees. 

The challenge is to create a sustainable, environmentally conscious structure, or set of structures that sit peacefully, teetering at the edge of the cliffs, providing an emotive experience for visitors. The design should take its inspiration from the natural setting and connect with its surroundings, allowing visitors to have an immersive experience, both inside and outside of the hotel, of the dramatic scenery and wildlife that surrounds them.

The architecture should carefully consider the abundance of wildlife of the area and the impact that any buildings may have on the natural flora and fauna of the Natural Park.

All entries will be published and promoted across our global platforms.

SITE ANALYSIS, TOPOGRAPHY & PHOTOGRAPHS included in this purchase.

Exclusive package including:

Additional images & videos

Project criteria and details

Local Routes & Site information

Flora & Fauna information

CAD Topography

3D Topography Model


If you are interested in taking part in, or using any of our open or closed competitions, you can download the full competition briefs using the link below.

Login required.


Once your project / Thesis is complete you can submit it to have it published across our website and social media platforms.

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  • Why should I subscribe to Larsen UNLIMITED?
    There are many reasons why you should take part in our lifetime UNLIMITED Competitions membership. For one single payment you will receive access to all open and future competitions and awards, free site analyses, certificates of participation, PLUS one expert project review & feedback video call. You heard right, forever.
  • Why should I join a Larsen Architecture competition?
    We want to celebrate every piece of work that is submitted to a competition. More often than not, we see online design and architecture competitions celebrat