12 April 2022
International architecture challenge El Panta de Sau Mini Challenge yields stunning winning design
Larsen Liverpool are proud to announce the winner of the international design mini challenge "El Pantà de Sau".

After careful consideration, the design that we believe has most strongly represented the competition criteria, with the most innovative and creative design for El Pantà de Sau Mini Challenge is:
Nymph by the Water
by Team Fiat Lux
Team Fiat Lux flipped the idea of what a meditation space could look like and how it can interact with this special setting. The design captures the essence of the reservoir and reflects the local activities carried out in this unique area — all summed up in a single image.
We have noticed that the local residents had a very good interaction with the church — they often took boats and frolicked beside the church.
There is no doubt that the church has become a part of the spirit of place and a part of the collective unconsciousness of residents.
Therefore, our design concept comes from "boat", which is a tool for local residents to interact with the church. We also hope to reduce the interference of the new building to the church, rather than replacing it with a new building.
So we designed a “ship building”, it provides a space for us to meditate. It has the following excellent qualities:
During the high water level of the reservoir, it became a substitute for the meditation function of the church. More importantly, its function will not be affected by the rise and fall of water level.
Because being undisturbed by others is a good quality of a meditation space, each space of the building should serves only a few people as much as possible. By increasing the number of ship buildings, enough people can be served.
The construction of ships is always faster and easier than other stone buildings. There is no doubt that the materials used to make ship buildings, namely wood, are also quite environmentally friendly. At the same time, we also believe that the scale and materials of the ship building make it harmonious with the surrounding landscape
Team Fiat Lux.
Yong Lin, Yangjian Pan
Thank you
We would like to thank all those who took part in this design mini challenge. We have been overwhelmed by the talent and dedication from all the participants. We have received some impressive submissions with outstanding designs, which were thoughtful and considerate.
On this occasion there is only one project selected as the winner of the mini challenge, but all entries will be displayed across our digital platforms and published within our printed architecture booklet. We are working hard to ensure every designer gets the credit and promotion they deserve!
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